Custom Rom Ultra Lollipop For MT6572

Custom Rom Ultra Lollipop For MT6572 Sobat setia blog Mastah Droid, Sekarang saatnya update custom rom lagi, kali ini saya akan mengupdate Rom untuk type MT6572, salah satu device dengan MT6572 adalah Lenovo A369i dan beberapa device lainnya, nah yuk kita simak langsung.

Hari ini saya  memberikan sobat Custom rom  Fully Lollipop. custom rom ini bisa dipakai untuk Lenovo A369i dan Device lainnya dengan Kernel MEDIATEK 6572

Read :
DISCLAIMER : In no means we are responsible if you brick your phone or your SD card dies or your phone behaves abnormally. It is your sole and your own responsibility to install the custom rom on your phone. If you’re unaware of custom roms and its bugs then please do not go any further. 
  1. Rooted device – You can read the guide here for rooting your Lenovo A369i
  2. CWM installed – You can follow the tutorial here for installing CWM.
  3. Custom Rom of  Ultra Lollipop For MT6572 – Download it from bottom of this post.
  4. Backup all your data.
Screen Shot :

Custom Rom Ultra Lollipop For MT6572

Custom Rom Ultra Lollipop For MT6572

Custom Rom Ultra Lollipop For MT6572

Custom Rom Ultra Lollipop For MT6572

Custom Rom Ultra Lollipop For MT6572

Baca Juga : Custom Rom Lenovo MT6572 Lainnya / Also Read: Custom Rom Lenovo Other A369i
XPERIA H Purple For Lenovo A369i
Nite Of XPERIA For Lenovo A369i

Features of the ROM :

  • Upto 250 mb free using whatsapp
  • Best gaming ROM ever
  • Gapps excluded
  • Lollipop call
  • Apollo music
  • New Browser
  • Camera Works
  • Fully lollipop themed
  • Size only 162 MB

Minus :

Keyboard belum tersedia, silahkan anda instal sendiri, Bug yg lain belum ditemukan, Jika anda menemukan Bug di Rom ini silahkan beritahu dengan berkomentar.
Keyboard not yet available, please install itself, Bug the others yet to be discovered, if you find a bug in this Rom please tell commenting

How to install Custom Rom Ultra Lollipop For MT6572 For MT6572 :

  • Wipe data factory reset --> Yes--delete all user data
  • Wipe cache partition --> Yes--Wipe Cache
  • Advanced --> Wipe Dalvik Cache --> Yes--wipe dalvik cache
  • Mounts and storage --> Format /System /data /cache
  • Install zip from sd --> - Choose zip from sdcard --> - Select Zip

September 03: Ultra Lollipop For MT6572 uploaded

Rom Information

  1. Rom Name : Ultra Lollipop
  2. Rom Version : 2.0 (stable)
  3. Rom Os : 5.0 (Lollipop)
  4. Android Chipset : Mediatek (mt6572)
  5. Android device : Lenovo a369i s108
  6. Android Base OS : JB 4.2.2


  • Busthomul Green said
  • Uwais al Qharny
  • Samsul konslet
  • Rizal bukan Armada
  • Buchory A
  • Jay zeynal
  • Yanu abi alwi
  • Nopiyanto
  • Suyono ion
  • Irwan van houten

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2 Responses to "Custom Rom Ultra Lollipop For MT6572"

  1. Custom ini bisa dipakai d evercoss a28a ga???

  2. Costome nya bisa di pakai di evercoss a26b nggak gan


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